Welcome to the Staff Signatures Spot!

Which signature do you need?

Arlington Signature

Asheville Signature

FRS Signature

How to update your Outlook signature in the office:

  1. Click on the link above for the signature needed.
  2. Click "Edit"on your browser's menu bar (at top).
  3. Click "Select All."
  4. Click "Edit" again and now select "Copy."
    (You have now copied the signature from the webpage to your computer's clipboard.)

  5. Open a blank email in Microsoft Outlook.
  6. Click on the arrow underneath the "Signature" icon in the ribbon as shown here:

  7. Select "signatures" (the last option).
  8. In the signature window, click on the signature you want to edit.
  9. Type in your name and title, then press the Enter key once.
  10. Now right-click in that spot and select "Paste" from the pop-up menu.
  11. CHANGE the phone and fax numbers to yours.
  12. Click "OK."
  13. TEST your signature on a blank email.


How to update your Outlook signature in Office 365 (website login)

  1. Login into your Office 365 email account
  2. Click "Home" at the top middle
  3. Click "Option" under the Outlook section
  4. Click "Settings" on the left-hand side
  5. Copy and paste from the appropriate signature webpage. (Steps 1 through 4 shown above.)
  6. CHANGE the phone and fax numbers to yours.
  7. Click "OK."
  8. TEST your signature on a blank email.


View more information on Outlook signatures

Questions on editing your Outlook signature? Contact TSU.