NTCA Members Meet with FCC Advisors on USF Budget

On October 24, 2108, Mike Romano, senior vice president of NTCA and Denny Law, chief executive officer of Golden West Telecommunications, met with FCC Advisors to discuss ongoing concerns in regards to the sufficiency and predictability of federal high-cost universal service fund (USF) support.   The pair met staff from  the offices of Chairman Pai,  Commissioner Carr, Commissioner Rosenworcel; and staff from the Wireline Competition Bureau.

Connect America Fund, WC Docket No. 10-90; ETC Annual Reports and Certifications, WC Docket No. 14-58; Establishing Just and Reasonable Rates for Local Exchange Carriers, WC Docket No. 07-135; Developing a Unified Intercarrier Compensation Regime, CC Docket No. 01-92