Federal Filings and Ex Parte

08.05.16 NTCA Comments on ISAO 100-1 Guidlines for Establishing an ISAO v0.1 and ISAO 600 U.S. Government Relations v0.4

On August 5, NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association (NTCA) submitted comments in regard to the Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (ISAO) 100-1 Guidelines for Establishing an ISAO v0.1, released on July 22, 2016, and ISAO 600-1 U.S. Government Relations v0.4 released...

07.19.16 NTCA's Bloomfield meets with Commissioner Rosenworcel re Charter merger, MB 15-149, WC 06-122

Applications of Charter Communications, Inc., Time Warner Cable Inc., and Advance/Newhouse Partnership for Consent to Assign or Transfer Control of Licenses and Authorizations, MB Docket No. 15-149; U niversal Service Contribution Methodology, WC Docket No. 06-122 On Tuesday, July 19...