NTCA Benefits

Benefits Report: Promote Financial Resilience During America Saves Week—February 21-25

America Saves Week is a time to encourage your employees to do a financial check-in to get a clear view of their finances. This year’s focus is Building Financial Resilience. Being financially resilient is more than having access to money; it includes being conscious of your own financial landscape, being aware of available resources, and being willing to seek out and take advantage of opportunities that will support and increase your financial wellness.

Each day will have a theme that centers on one of five critical areas of financial wellness. The theme for Wednesday, February 23 is Save For Retirement. NTCA’s Savings Plan and Retirement & Security (R&S) Program are excellent benefits that make it easy for your employees to prepare for their post-work years. Consider promoting these educational opportunities and tools to participants during America Saves Week: 


Read more articles from the February 2022 issue of Benefits Report.