NTCA Benefits

Benefits Report: NTCA Provides COVID-19 Resources and Services

As the coronavirus pandemic continues into 2021, NTCA is working to ensure the health and wellbeing of our members, your employees and your communities. NTCA and the Group Health Program (GHP) are doing our part to help keep your employees and their families safe and healthy by providing excellent healthcare benefits. This includes coverage for COVID-19 testing and vaccines. We have also accumulated many resources in our Coronavirus Resource Centers that members can share with your employees. 

If your company participates in the GHP medical plan, this is an excellent time to remind your employees that COVID-19 testing is covered at no cost to participants and covered dependents as part of an office visit, telehealth visit, or urgent care or emergency room visit. Testing costs are not covered for return to work or school documentation requirements. COVID-19 vaccinations are also 100% paid by GHP similar to other preventive care benefits. During the public health emergency, GHP will also pay the entire cost even if the vaccine is administered by an out-of-network provider. 

As vaccine distribution continues throughout the country, your employees may have questions about the vaccine and its availability in your community. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides extensive resources to help address these and other questions. You can view CDC COVID-19 vaccine resources for up-to-date information to share with your employees. 

The NTCA Coronavirus Resource Center is another great resource for the latest updates and information for members. We recently added some helpful tips on the Benefits Program Coronavirus Resource Center on ways adults can support younger children and teens in their family during the pandemic. These family members are also vulnerable to increased stress and anxiety during these uncertain times. 

NTCA is also developing avenues to commemorate your trials and triumphs over the past year as a result of COVID-19 and to highlight your community and workplace efforts to increase awareness of the vaccination. Please share your community’s and company’s experiences with COVID-19 and ways you are increasing awareness about vaccination. Send us your videos, photos, or stories by email, or share them on social media with the hashtag #NTCACares.

Read more articles from the February 2021 issue of Benefits Report.