Broadband Infrastructure Playbook

Implementing BEAD and other Broadband Deployment Programs

NTCA and the Fiber Broadband Association (FBA) in February rolled out the third iteration of their Broadband Infrastructure Playbook to reflect updates to the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program now that states and territories are beginning to receive approval of their initial proposals from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

The Playbook 3.0 covers issues including how to evaluate applications and establish the extremely high-cost threshold that will determine which broadband projects receive the priority mandated by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, how to streamline state and local permitting processes to ensure BEAD projects will meet the aggressive deployment timelines established by NTIA and how to promote effective and flexible cybersecurity and supply chain risk management planning. Our hope is that the Playbook will be a useful guide for states as they prepare to receive billions in funding for broadband through the BEAD Program. We encourage you to download it, share it with your state and local officials and otherwise leverage this and other resources in advocating for the best possible outcomes as state programs are set up or modified for the new BEAD requirements. 

Download the Broadband Infrastructure Playbook Version 3.0 here.

Looking for the July 2022 version of the Broadband Infrastrucuture Playbook? Download Version 2.0 here.

Looking for the original Broadband Infrastructure Playbook from March 2022? Download it here.