04.21.14 FCC Ex Parte - Competitive Carrier Representatives meet with FCC Chairman Wheeler re Incentive Auctions and Mobile Spectrum Holdings, GN 12-268 and WT 12-269

GN Docket No. 12-268: Expanding the Economic and Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum Through Incentive Auctions and WT Docket No. 12-269: Policies Regarding Mobile Spectrum Holdings

On April 21, 2014, a group consisting of 15 competitive carrier and trade association representatives (“competitive carrier representatives”) met with Chairman Wheeler, Ruth Milkman, Renee Gregory, Gary Epstein, Roger Sherman, Howard Symons, Edward Smith, Julie Knapp, Jim Schlichting, John Leibovitz and Diane Cornell to discuss elements of the FCC’s Mobile Spectrum Holdings proceeding and related incentive auction policies.

04.21.14 FCC Ex Parte - Competitive Carrier Representatives meet with FCC Chairman Wheeler re Incentive Auctions and Mobile Spectrum Holdings, GN 12-268 and WT 12-269