05.17.17 NTCA telephone conversations with WCB staff and N. Degani, Chairman Pai's Senior Counsel, WC 10-90

Connect America Fund, WC Docket No. 10-90

On Wednesday, May 17, 2017, Michael R. Romano, Senior Vice President-Industry Affairs & Business Development, on behalf of NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association (“NTCA”), spoke via telephone with Victoria Goldberg, Edward Krachmer, and Douglas Slotten of the Wireline Competition Bureau, and had a separate telephone conversation with Nicholas Degani, Senior Counsel to Chairman Ajit Pai. During these conversations, NTCA discussed various means of addressing the questions raised by its petition for reconsideration regarding imputation of Access Recovery on standalone broadband lines.

05.17.17 NTCA telephone conversations with WCB staff and N. Degani, Chairman Pai's Senior Counsel, WC 10-90