07.22.15 FCC Ex Parte-Rural Representatives meet with N. Degani re backup power requirements, PS 14-174 and GN 13-5

Ensuring Customer Premises Equipment Backup Power for Continuity of Communications, PS Docket No. 14-174; Technology Transitions, GN Docket No. 13-5;

On July 22, Jeffry H. Smith (via telephone) and David Cohen from GVNW Consulting, Inc. (GVNW), Larry Thompson and Brian Bell from Vantage Point (via telephone) and Brian Ford of NTCA (the “rural representatives”) conducted an ex parte meeting with Nicholas Degani and Christine Bealer from Commissioner Pai’s office to discuss the backup power requirements and the potential burdens these would create for small RLECs.

07.22.15 FCC Ex Parte-Rural Representatives meet with N. Degani re backup power requirements, PS 14-174 and GN 13-5