10.24.16 NTCA and WTA file Joint Petition for Temporary Waiver of Lifeline Modernization Order, WC 11-42 et al

Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernization, WC Docket No. 11-42, Telecommunications Carriers Eligible for Universal Service Support, WC Docket No. 09-197, Connect America Fund, WC Docket No. 10-90, Third Report and Order, Further Report and Order, and Order on Reconsideration, FCC 16-38 (rel. Apr. 27, 2016) (“Lifeline Modernization Order”) 

On October 24, 2016, NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association and WTA-Advocates for Rural Broadband filed a Petition for Temporary Waiver of certain provisions in the proceedings referenced above.

10.24.16 NTCA and WTA file Joint Petition for Temporary Waiver, WC 11-42 et al