
Phase 1 of RDOF Begins

NTCA is extremely pleased to see that Phase I of the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) will move forward in entirely unserved rural areas this year. As their track record in prior universal service initiatives demonstrates, our NTCA members are energized and eager to leverage this program to reach neighboring communities long neglected by other providers and longing for better broadband.  The frustration in rural America is long and deep as many of the large carriers have received support over the years and yet we have seen little built in the communities they serve. This Pandemic has simply served to highlight that disparity further.

At the same time, we look forward to further review of the final auction procedures that the FCC develops and we hope that they will promote the integrity and effectiveness of the auction. We are encouraged by Chairman Pai’s reference to ‘careful case-by-case review’ of whether certain technologies without a meaningful track record of performance at high levels can indeed deliver on such promises, as such review of detailed information will be essential to ensure that rural Americans will realize the benefit of services being promised and that RDOF dollars are well-spent. Rural America no longer has the time or patience for empty promises.

As we hit this key landmark in next steps to take, we thank the FCC under the leadership of Chairman Pai for its continuing efforts to ensure that every American has access to robust and reliable voice and broadband services. Broadband matters now more than ever, and it has become a lifeline for our communities to the world. NTCA members have been building Smart Rural Communities℠ for decades and creating jobs and opportunities for their neighbors, and their commitment to connecting rural America is second to none. As the auction proceeds, our members look forward to helping to deliver further on the promise of sustainable and affordable communications services across rural America.

This will be a key step in taking meaningful action to bridge the rural/rural divide and allow those communities who are now an afterthought to nationwide providers actually become a priority for community-based providers who know the true spirit of service.