2014 RTIME Day Three Focuses on Industry Innovation



A continental breakfast and regional caucuses started the third day of the Rural Telecom Industry Meeting & EXPO, giving attendees a chance to hear from candidates vying for a spot on the 2015 NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association Board.

Speaker photo

The second general session featured a speech from FirstNet General Manager Bill D'Agostino Jr. FirstNet is the first nationwide, high-speed network dedicated to public safety, and D'Agostino described ways to ensure its success. The session continued with a panel discussion centered on the business case for rural telecom.


Conference attendees then took part in education sessions on the IP transition, marketing and ways to engage with community institutions. Learning forums followed, during which participants were invited to share ideas, successes and challenges on social media, benefits, community outreach and more.






Managers, telco executives and owners then had a chance to enjoy a luncheon and tour the EXPO hall. After lively discussions and an idea exchange, EXPO attendees relaxed with a chair massage and took a peek at the industry's latest technology. Booth awards were handed out, and everyone dug into delicious desserts.


The day closed with a reception, overlooking the San Antonio
sunset, for women managers.


The final day of the conference promises more excitement, with tours of local gardens, gold, the closing session and the RTIME Awards Banquet, featuring entertainment from one of country music's big stars.