NTCA Benefits

Benefits Report: America Saves Week is February 22–26

America Saves Week brings together thousands of nonprofits, government, academic and business groups to encourage and support their employees to save effectively. Over the past year, impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly increased financial challenges for many individuals, and providing educational resources and support is a focus of America Saves Week. With the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent business closures and loss of jobs, financial challenges have increased significantly for many individuals and families. While many of us have future savings goals, 2020 has magnified the importance of having an emergency fund for unexpected needs. America Saves Week has designated the theme “Save for the Unexpected” on Tuesday, February 23, to encourage individuals to prioritize building an emergency savings fund. You can help educate your employees about the importance of saving for the unexpected by sharing the America Saves Week Spending & Saving Tool. The NTCA Savings Plan and our service partner Fidelity Investments also provides education and resources in Fidelity Budgeting & Debt Management Calculators & Tools. There will also be several online webinars hosted by NTCA and Fidelity Investments during 2021. 

Read more articles from the February 2021 issue of Benefits Report.