Rural Telecom Guidelines



The purpose of Rural Telecom is to keep its audience informed about issues affecting the rural, independent telephone industry. Its readers are the managers, directors, attorneys and key employees of these small telephone companies as well as consultants, government officials and telecommunications experts.




Submitting an Article

We encourage you to provide an outline or an abstract of the proposed article.

Rural Telecom also accepts unsolicited manuscripts. Articles must be original and must have never appeared previously in another publication. They must not contain libelous material.

Please submit electronic files in Microsoft Word. The managing editor will contact you directly if the piece is deemed suitable for publication in the magazine.

Articles appearing in the magazine may also be posted online .


Writing for Rural Telecom

Article length:

Each issue of Rural Telecom includes two types of articles: features and departments. Feature articles are longer and focus on industry-wide issues. Departments are smaller in scope, covering specific aspects of the telecom business (marketing, technical matters, legislation, management issues). Feature articles: 1,800-2,200 words Departments: 700-900 words



  • Use plain English. Some subscribers are not industry experts. Avoid jargon. Spell out all acronyms on first reference.
  • Do not give a sales pitch. If you mention specific products or vendors, present the information objectively. We do not accept overtly commercial material.
  • Be creative. We strive to present complex information in engaging ways. Feel free to use humor, analogies, anecdotes, and other methods to keep the reader's interest.
  • Keep it focused. If you need to address an issue that veers from the article's main focus, include a sidebar.

What to Include With Your Article

  • A short biographical sketch and the e-mail address of the author(s).
  • URLs of any relevant resources on the web. We will link these resources to your article if it is posted on our website (
  • Supplemental materials such as pictures, illustrations, charts, and diagrams. Illustrative material should be black-and-white or color photos, stats or original artwork, with proper attribution. The editorial and design staff will make the final decision on whether to include these items in the publication.

Editing Process

All accepted manuscripts will be edited for style, spelling and grammar. Other changes may be made to clarify points, improve readability or conform to space limitations. A publication contract must be signed before the article goes through the production process. When the magazine is published, you will receive three complimentary copies.