The Impact of Interconnected Devices and Our Role

By Roxanna Barboza, Industry and Cybersecurity Policy Analyst

Interconnected devices or the “Internet of Things (IoT)” have made lives more efficient than ever, but consumers cannot seem to get enough. According to Cisco’s Annual Internet Report, every internet user is currently connected to approximately eight networked devices, a number that is expected to increase to 13.6 per person by 2023. These devices improve daily life, but easy access to data also comes with increased vulnerabilities – including cyberattacks.

IoT devices have the following potential impacts:


  • Effective communication
  • Increased effectiveness
  • Enhanced productivity
  • Quality of life improvement


  • Security risks
  • Breach of privacy
  • Over-reliance on technology

Despite the benefits, dependency on technology should not blind users to the potential risks.

Owning and using devices necessarily welcomes them into personal lives, and provides access to personal information. Just like personal information is protected from strangers, it is important that device users consider the dangers of sharing information with the networks they connect to and take protective measures.

We all have a part to play when owning internetconnected devices. IoT offers benefits to daily lives, but it is important to mitigate cybersecurity risks. Be aware of what devices are being connected to a network, secure them by keeping devices updated and installing protective software, where appropriate, and continue to be aware of and take action against potential threats. Do not let your guard down. Cybersecurity awareness is a necessary part of daily life.