People, Passion and Dedication Is What Builds Rural America



Jim Dauby, president and chief executive officer of Perry-Spencer Rural Telephone Cooperative, dba PSC (Saint Meinrad, Ind.), has dedicated his entire career to the betterment of rural America. It is this dedication and recognition that he was nominated and selected as the recipient of the Manager Life Achievement Award. The one word that is used to describe Dauby is passion, and for those who know him, know that his passion to support, advocate and promote small independent rural companies has led to great things. His involvement on numerous national, state and local boards and committees demonstrate his drive to truly making a difference.

Dauby was hired as a controller in November 1993 and was subsequently name assistant general manager in September 1997. In March 2001 he took on the role as the company's chief executive. 

He not only sees the "big picture” but grasps the needs at the truly local level.

His many career accomplishments are impressive. Here are a few noteworthy ones to mention: successfully diversifying and growing PSC significantly while maintaining and increasing PSC's profitability and financial strength; overseeing PSC's successful cooperative fiber-to-the-home project; creating several successful CLEC operations in larger surrounding communities; assisting in the creation of the Indiana  Fiber Network (Indiana's most robust fiber network); chairing the NTCA board during an important time for its future, the unification of NTCA and OPASTCO; and receiving the Indiana Broadband and Technology Association's Lifetime Achievement award.

Earlier this month, PSC, a company that offers broadband, voice and video services throughout its ILEC, CLEC and R-Net territories, was awarded approximately $15 million in Indiana's Next Level Connection broadband grant initiative, with a match commitment from the local government.  It was Dauby’s foresight to compete for this funding for deployment of fiber broadband for surrounding, unserved territories.  This was a true team effort that consisted of PSC staff, local and state government, a neighboring REMC and effective consultants that Dauby is quick to give all credit to.

Dauby, someone who represents passion and drive in his work, also has a “human” side. PSC staff are well of aware of the "stay clear of Jim" days. However, on most days, staff looks forward to his stroll around the office with laughter soon echoing throughout the hallways. It's Jim's personality which quickly diffuses a bad situation, encourages a smile in the most discouraging of moments or sidelining pressing industry issues to put an employee first. For this, staff is very appreciative.

His view on excellence and what it means to win this award, Dauby states “Excellence is personal. Do you think that at the end of the day that you went in and you’ve done what you can in both your personal life and in your professional life, and you’re happy when you look back? A lifetime achievement is a collection of what you’ve been able to do over time, and that, to me, is how I will define excellence. When it’s time for me to hang it up, and I look back and say you know what I tried my best. I hope it was excellent.” 


About the eXcellence Awards
The eXcellence awards are the highest recognition of individual achievement in the industry and pays tribute to individuals in eight categories. By nominating someone for an NTCA Excellence Award, you help NTCA provide national recognition for those who have shown commitment to their community and our industry. You also promote awareness of rural achievements and highlight positive impacts on your community. Recipients receive recognition during the association's largest annual conference, RTIME, and in NTCA media.