Cybersecurity Starts With You

By Roxanna Barboza, Industry and Cybersecurity Policy Analyst

In an age of ongoing digital transformation, companies are constantly working to protect themselves from cyberattacks with the most up-to-date firewalls and software. Although, no matter how much one invests into a security system, cyber threats will keep coming. Everyone must guard against cyber threats and not depend solely on technology to stop bad actors.  

The main danger of technological dependence is that one will believe that technology will catch and stop cyber criminals. But this approach leaves gaping holes in our security.  It is easy to dismiss the idea that technology has only certain capabilities which derive from human actions. It is necessary to find balance and patience when engaging with technology.  Individual behavior will sometimes be the determinant of ongoing cyber threats, no matter how secure a company’s systems are.  One bad click by one employee can subject an entire company to threats such as a wide-spread phishing attack or ransomware.

Taking the first steps to address cyber vulnerabilities may mean facing things we’d rather not face, but it is better to know where we stand in cybersecurity so we can tie any lose ends.  Begin by understanding your current state of cyber readiness. Has the company used the NIST Cybersecurity Framework to analyze and improve its cyber posture?  Have you provided cybersecurity awareness training to employees? Have you prepared a cyber breach response plan in case a bad actor is successful in getting through your defenses? If not, it is about time you engage to better understand everyone’s roles and responsibilities in cybersecurity and how to protect the network and company operations. 

Creating a culture around cybersecurity awareness in the workplace does not mean that you will be eradicating the risk of cyberthreat attacks. It means you will take on your responsibility in being cyber ready. Learn more about cybersecurity, including how you can protect your network and sensitive data at